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In Peru, according to the 2017 Demographic and Family Health Survey, adolescent pregnancy increased by 0.7% more than the previous year, in other words, 13 out of every 100 adolescents are mothers or are pregnant for the first time. Within this group, the areas that contain the highest percentage are those located in the jungle. According to ENDES, in 2014 the San Martín Region had 24.1% of adolescent pregnancy, ranking as the 4th region of the jungle with the highest incidence in this area.

For 2018, the region continues to rank fourth in the country, registering a high trend in adolescent pregnancies. In addition, it was found that 85% of students learn about sexuality on the Internet and other media, 1 in 3 adolescents wants to know about prevention of violence and sexual abuse, and more than 41% of adolescents want to learn about contraceptive methods and behavior sexual.

problem to be addressed

It was possible to identify that adolescent mothers in this region and their relatives have basic knowledge about sexuality. The little information that some teenage mothers had received came through some relatives, friends or close people and not directly from their parents or the school. This reflects the need for adolescents to learn about their sexuality and the continuous search to expand their knowledge on the subject. 

Correct teaching of comprehensive sexual education brings  benefits such as the prevention of problems related to sexual and reproductive health, equal treatment and opportunities for women and men, as well as assessment and self-care of the body. That is why it is essential to train students to generate empowered adolescents with sexual autonomy, free and capable of deciding.

Place of intervention

'LA ORQUÍDEA' is a state boarding school in the district of Soritor, province of Moyobamba, department of San Martín.



  • Overall objective:

Contribute to the reduction of structural violence by encouraging the development of adolescents from the Orquídea school in the San Martín Region in terms of Comprehensive Sexual Health.

  • Specific goal:
    Train adolescents to make (assertively) decisions responsibly regarding the exercise of their sexuality at La Orquidea School - San Martin Region through the peer to peer methodology.

Expected results

How will we do it?

meet the team

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Pamela Quispe

Final year student of the Faculty of Dentistry of the Universidad Mayor de San Marcos. With experience in the field of sexual and reproductive health. UPY member since 2020.

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carmen rodriguez

Law student at the Universidad Andina del Cuzco, with studies and research in Human Rights. UPY member since 2020.

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Alessandra Martinez

Final year student at the Faculty of Law of the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, with experience in the development of social projects. UPY member since 2020.

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Valkyrie Meza

Final student of the Faculty of Law of the National University of San Agustín specializing in human rights, with experience in the field of sexual and reproductive rights. UPY member since 2020.

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