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According to the investigations carried out prior to the development of the project planning, it has been determined that the main problem in many districts of Cusco is the accumulation of solid waste in public spaces that generates critical points.

This is due to different causes such as the culture of excessive and unsustainable consumerism, widespread misinformation and a low proportion of the population with knowledge of sustainability, the absence of a culture of segregation of solid waste, the scarcity of sanitary landfills, the lack of budgetary capacity and of the municipalities, the informal and unsustainable employment in waste management with respect to informal collectors, the lack of coverage of the cleaning and collection service of RRSS in charge of the municipal management, the increase in the purchase and disposal of single-use products, especially in the health sector due to the massive purchase of personal protective equipment (PPE) as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and household waste generated by patients diagnosed with the same disease (biocontaminated waste).

Thus, the aforementioned problems have repercussions in different areas, such as social and environmental, causing negative effects that threaten the development and progress of society. Such are the generation of a bad reputation for the district, the accumulation of garbage indefinitely, the deterioration of landscape beauty, as well as pollution and generation of GHG.

Place of intervention


Major Universities and Youth Centers


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  • Overall objective:

Reduce the amount of solid waste that ends up being single-use in the city of Cusco.

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  • Specific goal:

Teach and promote the correct segregation of RRSS to young people between 15 and 24 years of age in Cusco.

Expected results




Mentoring Program


promote activities

Train young people between the ages of 15 and 24 on the correct segregation of social networks and the culture of consumerism.

Implement a Mentoring Program with young people.

Promote activities on sustainable consumption alternatives compared to current consumption practices in the beneficiaries.

How will we do it?

meet the team

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Paola Vasquez 

Economist Engineer with experience in banking, financial regulation and finance. Member of UPY since 2019. Interested in issues of financial education, environment, growth and sustainable development. 

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Nayla Pariamachi

Independent plastic artist and soprano in Sinfonía del Perú. Member of UPY since 2020. Interested in managing social-cultural projects and environmental issues. Founder and director at Art Changemakers.

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claudia gray

Bachelor in International Relations and Literature, with a passion for environmental issues, sustainable development and citizen participation. Member of UPY since 2020, belonging to the PLANTA working group.

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